Scalar Energy slows cellular oxidation and improves nutrient absorption and retention potential

By | November 13, 2020

Very Informative Response:

As a Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, and Exercise Physiologist professional, I’ve had the question, “What are plasma treatments”? posed to me numerous times. So hopefully this additional info may help as well.

Now if by “Plasma”, we are referencing PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma). It is an updated and advanced method of “prolotherapy”, a procedure used to inject a benign, irritating substance into tissue that stimulates repair to that area. Prolotherapy was originally called sclerotherapy, a term still used today for vein injections that treat spider and varicose veins by injecting a solution directly into the vein, causing the vein to scar. Then force blood to reroute through healthier veins. So as a “By-Pass” method, it serves only as an ongoing temporary treatment for the appearance and effects of varicose veins.

So as mentioned above, (like also variccosing of the veins) graying of the hair along with other concerns. Like illness, disorders, diseases, chronic conditions, etc; must first be understood in functionality, then in the identifying of the “Underlining Causes”.

Varicose Veins:
Inside our veins are tiny one-way valves that open to let the blood through, and then close to prevent it from flowing backward. Sometimes the walls of the veins become overly stretched and lose their elasticity, causing the valves to weaken. So now due to this state, weak vein walls and valves, (which aside from obesity) are primary results of a Vitamin K deficiency. It can stem from not only a lack of supply, but also an inability to absorb and/or assimilate Vitamin K. Therefore until all those factors are addressed, despite such treatments as PRP for example, they will commonly continue to reoccur.

My therapeutic training programs, involving continuous “Muscular Hypertrophy” for a period of 12 weeks minimum. It has resulted in permanent correction of varicose veins. Find a well experienced “Exercise Physiologist” (NOT just a personal trainer) to explore the development of an effective Muscular Hypertrophy” program tailored for you.

Gray Hair:
Our hair follicles have pigment cells that make melanin, a chemical responsible for its color.
Aging, Stress, Poor Diet and Genetic Predispositions determine when these cells may start to die. Without pigment, new hair strands grow in taking on various shades of gray, silver, and eventually white. The current understanding of the human biology sciences community is that aside from a dietary relation, once a follicle stops producing melanin. It does not produce colored strands any longer.

So although there is no permanent fix, the use of Scalar Energy not only slows cellular oxidation but improves nutrient absorption and retention potential. As also an Integrative Cellular Nutritionist and Researcher, I’ve found that dietary improvements by way of traditional wholefood consumption alone, is not enough. I recommend we all invest in a Molecularly advanced multinutrient formula to supplement with.
“Quality Nutrition, For Quality Of Life”

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