Spooky2 Scalar Has Healed and Harmonized Me.

By | June 23, 2022
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I had a multitude of non-chronic problems that were not stopping me from operating completely, but were holding me back.

My list of problems was as follows: hip pain (possibly bursitis), locked up and inflamed sacroiliac joints, hand pain so bad that my hands could not be squeezed, cracking neck, energy problems requiring naps, distended belly, forearm pain, stiff calf ligaments.

Losing weight was possible with Keto diet, but I would always hit a weight that I could not get below.

Within a week of doing the terrain detox protocol, with scalar and remote, my distended belly disappeared and I looked normal. My husband noticed the difference. I did not lose weight per-se. I did not change my diet at all.

Within a couple of weeks, my hands were feeling much better and my forearm muscles felt normal again. Maybe 85% better. Now, two months in, running different frequencies and detox, also taking baking soda and magnesium salt baths, supplementing with Lugol’s Iodine solution, my hands are 100%.

I am able to golf without hand pain. I quit almost every sport I used to do because of my hand pain and weakness.

My hands are so good that I was able to take up handgun target shooting as a hobby. This was unthinkable three months ago.

I also used to have an occasional hand tremor. I have not experienced this more than once in the past two months. It seems like it is gone.

My sacroiliac joint on my left side is healing from being (from what I can tell) calcified and inflamed/infected with bacteria. I used the tens pads to do biofeedback in the joint, (hunt and kill program) overnight and used Scalar to supply nutrients and healing frequencies through my body 24/7. This has helped greatly. I am giving it a break from golf for two weeks to allow the inflammation damage to heal.

When I did have an intense golf lesson, the inflammation would be gone within two days with the help of Scalar. Before Scalar, this level of inflammation would not have gone away for months. I don’t take pills.

My left hip is 100%, again, hunt and kill with tens contact mode and Scalar healing 24/7.

I am a huge fan of imprinting holograms with frequencies from Scalar and taping them to my sacroiliac. I have also done this to prevent heartburn and acid reflux.

I found the holograms so effective that I started imprinting every Canadian currency bill (with hologram security) with healing frequencies as well as micronutrient frequencies and windfall of money frequencies.

I then spend the money with the intent of healing. I gave one of these $5 bills to a man I drove to an appointment because he had a severe back injury from work. I told him to keep that money on him and about Spooky2, that it sounds wild, but it can’t hurt, have this free $5 bill.

About 3 weeks later, I drove him again. He got in the car and said, well there’s some very good news in the family, my mom won the fireman’s 50/50 draw, $88,000! His mom is a widow and was putting her youngest son through college. This money was definitely a blessing and needed by her. She is by the sounds of it a very giving mom.

The man also seemed to have less pain than the previous time we went. I did not discuss it with him specifically, but by the end of the long trip, he did seem in less pain, he did not seem in agony anymore.

I told him once he had a diagnosis, I would make him a specific $5 bill to try. He seemed still not to believe completely, but this man wants to get back to work. He has a young son, who needs to have a healthy dad. I will no doubt see this man again. I will do my best to help him.

My neck no longer crunches when I do neck exercises.

I have greater clarity of thought and I believe, a greater connection to God. My aura is stronger and I believe that eventually my aura can help take down the evil forces that have “penetrated” this country, specifically the government. This gives me hope.

Overall, with the scalar field running 24/7 we have greater harmony as a family. Everyone has a better sleep and an easier time waking up in the morning.

One last thing, the two other people I live with normally have terrible spring allergies.

This year, their allergies to grass and pollen are almost non-existent.

They have each only taken one allergy pill this spring, and that was before I set the Scalar up.

I really can’t say enough about the Spooky2 Scalar system. It is one of the best purchases I have ever made. I consider it an investment in our health and longevity.

I don’t even have a family doctor right now. If I get sick, I have to go to the hospital, where they mostly only would give me a radiation dose or some pills that I wish to avoid.

I will continue to learn more from the other users and John White. I will continue to imprint money with healing frequencies and send it out into the world and let it find the people who need it.

Thank you to the creators and programmers of Spooky2 Scalar. You have healed me and continue to heal me. Many blessings to you and may God bless you.

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