I only discovered Spooky2 cutting-edge gear just a few weeks before Christmas 2021.
There is always a right time when good things find us!! Immediately set up the initial 11 plus day cleansing and elimination programs using the GenX Xmas kit via remotes and ordered a Spooky2 Scalar Xmas kit. Having realized the incredible efficiency of Spooky2 products at amazing “for the people” prices I then ordered a Spooky2 Central Xmas kit.
Well!!! Amazing things have been happening over the few weeks up to now, Mid Jan 2022.
Spooky2 Scalar has performed a miracle with my sleep patterns from 4 hours a night for many years I am now sleeping 7 – 8 hours a night. Using remote and Phanatron for several skin Cxncxrs that have plagued me for years and always coming back when removed, The weeping ones have dried up, scabbed over and have beautiful pink healthy flesh showing up under the now loose scabs. Odema in my lower legs-ankle region has almost gone (I am a piano tuner and spend most of my time just standing while I work.)
I have extra generators with remotes on order and am looking forward to setting up a rig for friends and family to give them a quiet, secret surprise using remote “healing and energy information” frequency quantum entanglement with their own unique DNA master information receiver.
Have also used Radionics in earlier years, so am looking forward to adding a Spooky2 Radionics box or two to my rig when they become available again.
FYI I am an Australian almost 83 years of age but very agile and switched on still running my own business, and people guess I’m around the late 50s or 60s. I have always been careful what I put in my mouth, but have had many encounters with chemical poisons, agricultural hormone sprays, etc in the past which I think has a lot to do with my skin problems.
Is this review referring to Spooky2 Central or Spooky2 Scalar, since you mention using remote and Phanatron for your skin issues? Can Phanatron or Plasma tube be used with SP2 Scalar?
Hi Hector. For this user’s skin issues, Spooky2 Rife machine works for him. For improving sleep, Spooky2 Scalar works for him. Also, we do not recommend using Phanatron or Plasma in combination with Scalar, which is too powerful for people to use them.