From my observations/experience being in the scalar field the last 20 months, the majority of the time– I do also have the generator and a basic kit, but find it largely overkill when in the scalar field most of the day on a daily basis. Scalar works on an energetic/subatomic level (on the subtle bodies -emotional, mental/causal levels), which affects the physical body’s response, so the delivery is transmitted in waveform via an energy signature of the essential oil or drug or whatever which is imprinted on a cellular level (cells/DNA), so over time you will ‘correct’ any imbalances (codes) in the system because it all works together and the dis-ease is rooted a in ‘non physical’ cause. I would still use things such as a nettie pot or steam machine to inhale if acute, (or even use in a sauna as it will give immediate relief) I still use plant elixirs on occasion if I want an instant energy boost, but mostly I feel healthier, more rested and youthful, w more mental and emotional clarity, my immune system has improved and have all around more energy and less am less influenced by negative/toxic energy even if I am aware of it, so the need for taking other sources of support is less and overtime I found little need for supplements. Also experienced some other kinds of phenomena using the scalar, such as better protection from harmful EMFs and radiation fields, faster healing responses. You would not get ‘high’ as you are taking in the essence not the biochemistry itself so its working without distorting your mind or desensitizing your nervous system. I am sure results and effects variy depending on individual factors, as its very interactive with our own field of consciousness, healing the body is a basic function there is much more to be discovered on its use. Hope you find this helpful.
Can this be used for extreme pain from back surgeries?
Thank You TB